Getting Involved On International Plastic Bag Free Day

International Plastic Bag-Free Day
Scott Kalapos on Jun 25, 2024

International Plastic Bag Free Day, celebrated on July 3rd, is a global call to action for businesses and individuals to rethink their use of single-use plastic bags. Established in 2009 by Zero Waste Europe (opens in a new window), it is a day of action recognized from China to Croatia, here in the USA and beyond.

According to the Ocean Conservancy (opens in a new window), 11 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year. This staggering figure alone underscores the urgent need for change. Your company can lead the way by making impactful adjustments to reduce plastic waste and use International Plastic Bag Free Day as a catalyst for long-term sustainability. 

The Environmental and Economic Costs of Plastic Bags

Single-use plastic bags may be quick and convenient, but they have significant environmental impacts. The plastic bags from the grocery store can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. During this time, they break down into microplastics. Marine animals mistake these fragments for food, leading to injury and death. The harm plastic bags cause is not exclusive to wild animals, ecosystems, and marine life, even human health is at risk. (opens in a new window) Studies are revealing microplastics in our food, water, and inside our own bodies.

To mitigate the impact of plastic waste, cities are spending more tax dollars on waste management to address litter and fund clean-up efforts. Investing in sustainable alternatives to curb the use of plastic bags helps save the environment and leads to long-term financial benefits, such as reducing the need to stock these items. 

Instead of simply switching to paper bags, retailers can ditch the thin plastic bags and sell reusable bags in their place. A branded reusable bag is a better shopping bag for the environment and everyone’s pocketbook, plus you enjoy the benefit of brand awareness! Check out our cotton and canvas totes to break free from plastic! 

Cotton Canvas Tote Bag

Why Going Plastic-Free Makes Business Sense

Participating in International Plastic Bag Free Day and Plastic Free July can be the first step towards adopting sustainable practices at your company and positioning your business as a leader in environmental responsibility. Establishing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices can boost your brand image, attracting customers who prioritize eco-friendly choices. In fact, a recent 2023 study on investment returns (opens in a new window) found that leading ESG US companies earned an average annual return of 20.3% over the 13.9% of lower-rated counterparts. 

Companies known for their commitment to sustainability often enjoy stronger customer loyalty and positive public perception. With governments worldwide increasingly enacting regulations to curb plastic use, being proactive can keep your business ahead of the curve too.  While there may be initial costs in switching to reusable alternatives, the long-term savings are substantial from avoiding potential compliance issues and fines to reducing and lowering overall expenses for the need for continuous purchases of single-use items. 

How Can Your Business Support International Plastic Bag Free Day?

Your business can get involved in International Plastic Bag Free Day in a handful of ways, from simply switching to reusable options to supporting clean-up efforts and advocating for a plastic bag-free world. Here are some of our top tips to support this cause:

1. Eliminate Single-Use Plastics

  • Transition your business away from single-use plastic bags to sustainable alternatives like cloth bags or while technically still plastic, polyethylene terephthalate bags made from recycled plastic bottles.
  • Offer incentives to customers who bring their own bags, such as discounts or loyalty points.
  • Use custom logo totes as a branded promotional giveaway to encourage your staff and clients to go plastic-free. 

2. Engage Your Customers

  • Launch campaigns or promotions highlighting your company’s commitment to reducing plastic use on International Plastic Bag Free Day (July 3rd), International Plastic Free Day (May 25th), and participation in Plastic Free July. Your promotions and efforts don’t have to be limited to trending holidays either, it’s a great cause year-round!
  • Create, share, and distribute educational content about the impact of plastic bags and single-use plastic in general. For children, we have coloring books that teach about the environment, how to recycle and reduce waste in landfills, and how to be more Earth-friendly.

3. Support Initiatives & Collaborate

4. Use Biodegradable and Compostable Alternatives

  • Explore and implement biodegradable options like paper bags, bags made from corn starch, or new biodegradable plastics and compostable packaging. 
  • Highlight the benefits of these alternatives in your marketing materials and on social media accounts to educate and attract customers.

Sustainable Paper Bags

Embrace the Change and Lead the Way

Position your company for sustainable, long-term success by taking proactive steps today. Participation in International Plastic Bag Free Day demonstrates your company's commitment to eco-conscious values and boosts your brand reputation. In addition, countries, states, and cities around the world are passing plastic bag legislation. Adopting alternatives early will ensure your compliance with emerging laws.

Switching to single-use plastic-free policies can also allow you to enjoy cost savings. By reducing plastic waste, businesses can lower waste management expenses and avoid fines associated with non-compliance. Aligning with climate-friendly values attracts loyal customers and drives long-term growth. This proactive approach not only improves public perception but also positions you as an environmentally conscious leader.

Your business can also take charge and consider:

  • Using technology to track, minimize, and monitor plastic consumption, identifying opportunities for reduction.
  • Encourage your office to reuse and recycle and give customers the option for returnable packaging solutions.
  • Partner with companies like 4AllPromos. We offer green alternatives like biodegradable bags, reusable straws and cutlery, and eco-friendly promotional products for you to solidify your commitment to reducing plastic waste.

Eco-Friendly Promo Items


Sustainable business practices are more important now than ever as environmental concerns are on the rise. International Plastic Bag Free Day and every day after is an opportunity for companies to align with growing consumer expectations for eco-friendly operations.

Let International Plastic Bag Free Day be a reminder of the role businesses play in the fight against plastic pollution and take steps to reduce your own company’s plastic use. You not only contribute to a healthier planet for future generations but also enhance your brand's reputation and long-term sustainability.

Ready to make a difference and go plastic-free? Add your logo to eco-friendly products and reusable tote bags to show your brand’s commitment to a better, cleaner world. 

Shop Now


1. Ocean Conservancy. (2019, February 1). Plastics in the Ocean. Ocean Conservancy; Ocean Conservancy.

2. Prata, J. C., da Costa, J. P., Lopes, I., Duarte, A. C., & Rocha-Santos, T. (2020). Environmental exposure to microplastics: An overview on possible human health effects. The Science of the total environment, 702, 134455. (opens in a new window)

3. New Kroll Study Shows Stronger Investment Returns for Companies with High ESG Ratings. (2023, September 13). Kroll. (opens in a new window)


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